The Ecology Lab in the University of Waterloo--滑铁卢大学生态学实验室



  The Ecology Lab is a resource facility available to everyone in the Faculty of Environment. The lab has a wide range of both field and laboratory equipment for your course and research needs.

  We will demonstrate use of field and lab equipment , help you develop proper sampling techniques, discuss course/research needs and projects and help with collection and analysis.

  A variety of work occurs in the lab including:

  1.Identification of plants, invertebrates, insects, and other fauna

  2.Water and soil quality testing and analysis

  3.Forest plots, vegetation transects, and associated parameters to test

  4.Determination of sampling design, field collection, testing and analysis

  5.We also monitor Laurel Creek using dataloggers

  6.Participate in Campus woodlot monitoring project and coordinate volunteers

  7.Outreach to our Faculty and local schools

  8.Maintain naturalized gardens surrounding ENV buildings (inc green roof and constructed wetland)

  9.Offer a variety of workshops

  10.Specialized herbarium, database is online, presses located in lab.

  The Ecology Digital Lab is an electronic library archive that includes historical documents, rare environmental reports, projects, theses, ESPA documents and other information!

  This online resource is available under “self-registration” once you log into Waterloo LEARN. Go to the Contents tab and the documents are categorized under various topics.